Summary: | The Simple Translator from VB to ASP System represents a system that provides a
systematic approach of the new learner to understanding the basic concept of Visual
Basic and Active Server Pages (ASP). This system has been developed to give a
solution the interface or scripting not supported with another alternative so that users
can still use the control. Mostly, User do not know the best way to settle their
problem when to practice the programming in variety languages. Therefore, they
need a system that helps them to find out the solution with efficient and interactive.
The objective of this study is to develop a system that using application as reference
that can help user to understand either in Visual Basic or Active Server Pages (ASP).
It also focuses on to develop an interface that attractive to user so that they like to
use this system to learn the programming. The methodology of this study is based on
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). By doing the study on system analysis, it
help researcher for fully understand and developing the system. It also involves
designing the interface of the system according to interface and scripting. At the end
of the study, the researcher hope the system can help user in learning and studying
programming languages efficiently.