Summary: | The objective of this report is to provide an empirical basis for more inclusive and equitable
service delivery in the water and sanitation sector in Indonesia. Although the GoI has established
a program and strategy for achieving universal access to water supply and sanitation and zero
slums (the 100-0-100 program, which aims for 100 percent access to water supply, zero urban
slums, and 100 percent access to sanitation), these targets will be achieved through different
service level sub-targets. For water supply, the target is for 40 percent of the population to have
access to piped water and 60 percent to non-piped (in urban areas, 60 percent piped and
40 percent non-piped), whereas for sanitation, universal access is defined as 15 percent of the
population having access to basic sanitation (a toilet that ensures hygienic separation of
human excreta from human contact), 12.5 percent to centralized and decentralized sewerage
systems, and 72.5 percent to on-site sanitation with improved fecal waste management.
A poor-inclusive approach to universal access—one that improves the ability of and opportunity
for the poor and vulnerable to benefit from water and sanitation services—can help to ensure
that Indonesia not only achieves its service delivery targets, but that water supply and sanitation
become key drivers of a reduction in inequality, enhanced health and well-being, and economic
growth and prosperity. Policy recommendations are prioritized based on their expected impact
on these development goals, and the strength of the evidence base for the solution proposed.