Centre for Strategic and International Studies
The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a non-profit organization based in Indonesia which has served as a think tank on social, international, political and economical issues. CSIS was founded on Sept 1, 1971 by a group of Indonesian colleagues who hoped to promote public policy-oriented discussions in Indonesia. Founders of the organization included Harry Tjan Silalahi, Jusuf Wanandi, Hadi Soesastro, and Clara Joewono. It also had strong support from key figures close to the government at the time including generals Ali Moertopo, Soedjono Hoemardani, and Benny Moerdani. It was founded to give advice, ideas and support to government and other stakeholders such as parliament, political parties, businesses and NGOs and to reach out to the regional and international communities and to develop awareness of Indonesian policies and its state of development, while giving feedback to the Indonesian government on domestic and international developments.It is located in ''Jl. Tanah Abang III/23-27'', Jakarta close to the National Museum of Indonesia. Provided by Wikipedia
1Published 1992“…Centre for Strategic and International Studies…”
2Published 1992“…Centre for Strategic and International Studies…”
3Published 1995“…Centre for Strategic and International Studies…”
4Published 1977“…Centre for Strategic and International Studies…”
5Proceedings of ...../ISEAS and Singapore and Centre for Strategic and International Studies, JakartaPublished 1978“…Centre for Strategic and International Studies…”